Grief Education

We live in a grief-illiterate society. Each loss is personal; the depth of pain is ours alone. And yet, when we move through the storm of grief fully, we integrate the loss over time and live fully. These lessons and more come from David Kessler’s Certified Grief Educator training.

Individual Coaching: Understanding Grief 101

For all first-time clients, I offer this bonus session titled Understanding Grief 101 will begin to help you:

  • Learn to understand the impact of grief on your life.
  • Identify how grief influences relationships of people around you.
  • Explore the moments of grief that have shaped you.
  • Recognize that you can change the narrative created by grief.
  • Take steps to heal.

Certified Grief Educator by David Kessler +

Grief Resources

As a person who has experienced the loss of a spouse, parents, siblings, colleagues, friends, and children of friends, I welcomed the opportunity to become a Certified Grief Educator by national grief expert and author David Kessler. His website provides extraordinary resources for those newly in grief and those who recognize they have unresolved grief.

If you, or someone you know, is confronting grief, I invite you to consider one of these three options.  Or you can schedule a conversation with me to learn more about the tools that aid in grieving.  I am a grief educator, not a counselor or therapist.  What I know: To heal, we must learn to swim the river of grief. With work, we reach the river’s other bank – a whole person with love in our heart.


Read any of his books from On Grief and Grieving with Elisabeth Kübler Ross to Finding Meaning written after the loss of his young adult son.


Participate in his online Tender Hearts program that invites as much as or as little participation as you choose each week.

Personally, I am grateful to have learned so much through this amazing program while on my own intense grief journey.  As David says, mature grief is when you can say there is more love than pain (usually after two years of early grief – no set date!).


Or, at a minimum, watch his video on grief.